Elia Dragone

Senior Trainer - John Maxwell Team International Leadership Lecturer and Keynote Speaker, USA


While I grew up in the US, I was originally born in Italy and emigrated with my family at a young age. As a child, I was fascinated by technology and especially airplanes. In my senior year of High School Physics, after doing a presentation on the theory of flight and jet engines, I became passionate about aviation, a passion that eventually turned into a career.

After High School, I attended a FAA approved aviation maintenance technology college. Following graduation and after receiving my FAA ratings, I began my career as an Airframe and Powerplant Engineer. Over the years, I’ve continued to learn and grow, eventually completing my BS in Aviation Maintenance and subsequently my MBA. I worked for iconic aviation OEMs such as Cessna, Dassault, Bombardier and P&W Engine Services in ever-increasing levels of responsibility.

Currently I am the GM of Finance and Business Analytics for Gama Aviation, a maintenance provider for NetJets, a private fractional Jet company owned and operated by the world-renowned, Warren Buffet / Berkshire Hathaway.

I also hold a Six Sigma Green Belt Certification as well as being an adjunct aviation faculty at Hallmark University. My passion for people and leadership has ultimately inspired me to become a John Maxwell certified Leadership coach and in this capacity, I get the opportunity to share lessons learned as an executive from the real world of business.

Contact Info


Email: angela@tbc-intv.com